
m Cada una de las partes longitudinales de la albarda que va desde el anca de la caballería hasta la cruz de esta.

Vocabulario dialectal de Acehúche. 2014.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • LOMU (J.) — LOMU JONAH (1975 ) En 1995, lors de la Coupe du monde de rugby disputée en Afrique du Sud, les observateurs découvrent un joueur hors normes, véritable préfiguration de ce que sera le rugbyman professionnel de l’an 2000: l’ailier néo zélandais… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Lomu — is a surname from the Pacific Islands, and may refer to: *Andrew Lomu, Australian rugby league footballer *Jonah Lomu, New Zealand rugby union footballersurname …   Wikipedia

  • Lomu — Jonah Lomu Spielerinformationen Voller Name Jonah Tali Lomu Geburtstag 12. Mai 1975 Geburtsort Auckland, Neuseeland Spitzname Mount Lomu …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lomu, Jonah — ▪ 1996       South Africa may have won the 1995 Rugby Union World Cup final, but the man of the year was undoubtedly Jonah Lomu. The giant New Zealand wing dominated the World Cup and became the most talked about player in generations.       At 1 …   Universalium

  • Lomu, Jonah Tali — ▪ New Zealand athlete born May 12, 1975, Auckland, N.Z.       New Zealand rugby union football player who was perhaps rugby s first global icon and a remarkable player.       Lomu was the youngest person to play for the New Zealand national team …   Universalium

  • Lomu — /ˈloʊmu/ (say lohmooh) noun Jonah, born 1975, NZ Rugby Union player …  

  • lomu en bela — m Embutido de forma alargada hecho con la carne de la mano …   Vocabulario dialectal de Acehúche

  • Jonah Lomu — Infobox Rugbyman Jonah Lomu Fiche d identité …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Jonah Lomu — Infobox Rugby biography name = Jonah Lomu caption = birthname = Jonah Tali Lomu nickname = John dateofbirth = birth date and age|df=yes|1975|5|12 placeofbirth = Auckland, New Zealand dateofdeath = placeofdeath = height = height|m=1.96 weight =… …   Wikipedia

  • Jonah Lomu — Datos personales Nombre comple …   Wikipedia Español

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